Animated Text 2

Animated Text 1 from AMG Blog - MMalone on Vimeo.

Found a tutorial which achieves the effect i was looking for using the liquify tool. The text layer is duplicated a number of times over the composition, with every other text layer have the liquify tool applied to it. Using this method certain areas of the text can be changed in order to create the hand drawn sketch movement seen above

This is a very basic version of this effect and is looped over time based on a short period of animation. Further development can include create a longer basis from which to loop from, providing more varied detail in the final video

Animated Text

Animated Text 2 from AMG Blog - MMalone on Vimeo.

A test video to try and achieve the so called movement and wobble that occurs with hand drawn animated text. A wiggle was applied to an adjustment layer, which the text was parented to. However the adjsutment layer moves the entire text, rather than sections of each letter. Therefore a method is needed that can alter the shape of each letter over time

Sweet Landscape Environment 2 - Sketched Imagination

Potential ideas for development incorporating Lolly graphic and designs for trees, that will make up a small wooded area within the scene.

Sweet Landscape Environment - Sketched Imagination

Basic sweet landscape environment. Further graphics needed to be added including forest graphics, birds and sketched character.

Appearance of sweet production credits does not follow with the cartoon visual theme of the rest of the environment. One of the main reasons may be the font which seems too bold within the scene. It also needs to be made clearer that these are sweets rather than coloured circles. Further sweet graphics needs to be included such as candy canes and chocolate bars

Sweet Landscape Environment - Sketched Imagination

Basic outline of the sweet landscape scene. Further detail needs to be added in order to make the scene more visually effective such as a small forest and a variety of sweet graphics, currently being produced.

Animation will be added to the cookie sun, such as rotation, as well as sun rays rotating across the sky. In the initial storyboard the character is flown across this setting by a large flock of birds. The scale of the scene will need to be edited in order to fully accomodate all graphics.

Sweet Graphic - Sketched Imagination

Based on M&M's, the graphic will be used in order to provide the audience with production credits within the sweet landscape environment. This is a tester graphic and may not appear in the final title sequence as blending this particular graphic into a cartoon environment may be difficult.

May be issues with copyright with the use of certain fonts appearing on the sweets.

Sweet Landscape Graphics - Lolly

Basic Lolly vector graphic to be incorporated within the sweet landscape scene. Created within Illustrator to be used as 'flowers' within a sweet landscape.  The environment that this graphic will appear in is key in helping to express the imaginative qualities of the young child that features within the film, consisting of a forest and environment made of sweets and chocolate.